Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Network Marketing's Super Bowl Gala

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A network marketing company that I am associated with (without throwing a" plug" they should remain numis ooppss nameless) is holding their international convention this week in Tampa Florida. Since I am a Florida resident (at the time) I decided to attend. Incredible! The amount of knowledge for network marketers or Multi Level Marketers to experience is amazing. The "hoopla" surrounding this event is beyond words. Equivalent to a Super Bowl, NCAA Final Four or the World Series. I have been to a Final Four and to a World Series and let me tell you the hype, and the excitement is the same! Anyone who is in the network marketing industry should be attending these events. Why you may ask?

The Super Bowl has its week (sometimes two weeks) of build up, the coaches and players interviewed by media from around the world. The dinners and parties, it goes on and on and on! How about the commercials during the game, these seemed to have taken on a life of their own. Then there is the halftime show, which always has a huge star performing along with many extras. Network marketers can benefit (and may I add enjoy) these very same things. March Madness is now one of the highest ranked television events of the year. Pure excitement at its best. During the Final Four weekend, there is a convention for all NCAA coaches, most of the well-known coaches are in attendance. The pep bands, cheerleaders and fans keep this weekend one big pep rally!

Network Marketing conventions seem to be no different. The "hoopla" leading up to the convention starts somewhere about a month before. All the ads and emails packed with information and those enticing discount offers. Of course, the build up includes the list of guest speakers or the "Gurus" of network marketing. Without mentioning names, attendees to the convention have the opportunity to talk with countless number of the aforementioned marketing superstars. The breakout sessions are informative and provide the bulk of the convention as does the Super Bowl game or the championship game at the Final Four. The bands played music throughout and the food was served with no end.

With balloons and confetti dropping from the ceiling as in the Super Bowl, a champion or winner is crowned. The winner at the network marketing convention is you! A champion because the experience of attending has provided you with learning experience second to none, along with the intrinsic feeling of "I can make this happen"! Winners will attend and Winners will participate because as always, "Winners Do What Losers Won't".