Monday, January 17, 2011

Flu Shot Permanently Disables Washington Redskins cheerleader Desiree Jennings

Woman Disabled by THIS YEARS FLU SHOT (10 days AFTER vaccination) WASHINGTON, DC - A few weeks ago, Desiree Jennings was training for a half marathon. Now, she's struggling to walk, talk and even eat. According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror , Jennings, who has been working with the Washington Redskins as an ambassador in hopes of becoming a cheerleader since April, developed severe and possibly life-threatening side effects from getting a seasonal flu vaccine seven weeks ago at a Safeway in Reston. Twenty-five-year-old Jennings says she was healthy and active and was not in a high-risk group at the time of her shot. She says she received the vaccine to earn points for her work health plan that gives perks for each level of wellness that is attained. It was not until ten days after she received the shot that she began to experience flu-like symptoms. Her physical therapist at Johns Hopkins Hospital say she is suffering from dystonia, a neurological movement disorder where sustained muscle contractions cause body jerks, and abnormal or repetitive movements. People who suffer from dystonia often are required to re-learn even the most basic routines. It is a rare disease and is not completely understood. You realize your life is never going to come back the way it was, Desiree told the Times-Mirror. My goal in life was to one day be a CEO. Now, I dont know if I can ever return back to work. Source: Loudoun Times-Mirror -- The Flu, & a 'Shot to the System ...