Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cheerleading Summer Camps

An activity to cheer at sports teams, games or any other competitive performances using dance or gymnastics as an element is called cheerleading. The participants in cheerleading activities are called cheerleaders. Cheerleading summer camps are designed to develop cheerleading skills and teaching them new techniques of cheerleading.

Cheerleading camps have a day packed with instructions and practice for their participants. Teams are termed as squads. These squads are encouraged to participate as a team and learn new cheering techniques. Practice sessions are conducted to evaluate their performances based on the training sessions. Squads are evaluated on their performance on the final day when a cheerleading competition is organized.

Campers are given written evaluations. These ratings lay stress on the achievements and areas of improvement. Two aspects are taken into consideration while evaluating. One is the leadership quality of the cheerleader to involve the crowd in the activity and the second is the technique used in cheerleading.

Cheerleading techniques include cheer chanting, tumbling and stunting. Chants are usually a repetitive process that involves group participation.

These camps are usually day camps and participants need to bring along snacks with them. If it is an all-inclusive camp then it might be a little more expensive than one that doesn?t supply as many additional services Most of these camps also do a show or presentation for the parents towards the end of the camp to exhibit the skills acquired by the cheerleaders during these camps.

Before enrolling for these camps it is necessary to see if the camps are safe. Cheerleading stunts could involve gymnastics, stunts or other such techniques. The coaches should be professionally qualified. They should be able to deal with emergencies and ensure the safety of the participants.

In America cheerleading is very popular-- especially at football and basketball matches. Cheerleading is a spectacular event off the grounds by itself. There are some squads that have become as popular as the sports stars themselves, although the cheerleaders are present to mainly motivate the team and fans.