Friday, October 14, 2011

Help Your Cheerleading Uniform Make it Through the Season

NFL cheerleaders

Cheerleading uniforms can present a challenge when trying to keep them clean during football, basketball and soccer seasons. While they can usually be worn for one or two games, they need cleaning after lots of rigorous activity, especially when the uniforms are primarily white or have white trim. If not laundered properly, they can melt, snag, run or discolor.

Here are a few do's and don'ts to make sure your uniform makes it through the cheerleading season uninjured:

-Don't use dry-cleaners. This causes material to stiffen, fade and bubble. It also takes on a yellowish hue, which is very noticeable next to an unblemished uniform.

-The first time you launder it, wash each garment separately in a cold tub of water. Rinse thoroughly in cool water.

-Cheer and Tide laundry detergents are the most popular for colorfast clothing. Use these for regular washing to make sure colors don't bleed or fade. These detergents also gets the dirt and odors out, including rings around the wrists and collar.

-Avoid fabric softener, which sets stains and dirt, making it difficult to get the uniform clean.

-If quality detergent is unavailable, soak your uniform in cold water for at least an hour to make it wearable in between washings.

-Be sure to remove items promptly from the washing machine to avoid excess wrinkles.

-Hang up uniform pieces to dry thoroughly using a plastic or molded hanger. Clothespins and wire hangers can make creases and misshape the fabric.

-Don't put your uniform in the clothes dryer. This will round out pleats and may leave bubbles from the heat.

-Don't use a warm iron. This melts the material or leave discolored marks. If you do have excess wrinkles, you can use a stand up power steamer. Because the heat is not as high as an at home iron, it will not scorch the material.

Uniform care for stains can be tricky. Follow these guidelines for best results:

-Don't use bleach. This strips the color, leaves ugly spots and damages the fabric. White uniforms do not get whiter, they turn yellow.

-Use color-safe bleach alternative or an oxygen-based all-fabric bleach to get out tough stains.

-Soak the garments in cold water before laundering.

-Rub a little detergent into the stained area. Let it stand for a few minutes before laundering as usual.